Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I formed my dietary guidelines through several different theories too numerous for me to care to number or reference. Basically, I try to adhere to a "whole foods" diet (or at least my idea of whole).


Raw or cooked, whole, mostly organic, mostly local vegetables and fruits.
Raw or roasted unsalted nuts.
Cooked meat with an emphasis on fish (simply because it's my favorite). I also hope to add local game meat to my diet: elk, deer, rabbit, etc. 
No dairy (doesn't really agree with me too well).
No refined sugar. Minimal intake of honey, agave nectar, or pure maple syrup.
Little to no grains. If consumed, only whole grains with minimal processing.
No processed foods (with the exception of basic cooking).
No preservatives.

My daily meals usually consist of the following:

Breakfast: fruit (usually apple, orange, kiwi, assorted berries, pears), vegetables (wheat grass, broccili, carrots, spinach) maybe some nuts or nut butter and water blended into a smoothie. Occasionally I'll make an egg too.

Lunch: whole, uncooked vegetables and fruits and nuts along with a cooked meat (usually a sausage since organ meat content is nutritionally dense).

Dinner: Cooked meat with a side of cooked vegetables. 

I do drink coffee, beer, and wine in moderation... Although if I was entirely dedicated I would eradicate these from my diet as well.

Height: 5'11''
Weight: 162 lbs

Target weight: 157 lbs

My general experience is that the lighter you are, the easier it is to get your body up the wall. However, part of my climbing style uses the explosive power football and track have given me. I'd like to keep as much of this dynamic power as possible simply because I find this style of climbing most fun and, at times, most beautiful. I think 157 should allow me to maintain power while also taking 5 pounds of weight off my fingertips. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to introduce you to kangaroo meat. Pretty much the cutest animals you'll ever enjoying eating. and it's delicious. and ridiculously low in fat. and delicious.
